The South Broward Convention Subcommittee’s purpose is to host a convention for its members to bring our fellowship together in celebration of recovery. Meetings, workshops, and other activities are scheduled to encourage unity and fellowship among our members. No addict will be turned away.

The South Broward Area of Narcotics Anonymous sponsors this convention. It should always confirm to NA principles and reflect our primary purpose.

All members shall and are subject to and will abide by the twelve traditions. The policy will be distributed to each subcommittee chair at the time of incurring their position. The convention will acquire a certificate of insurance from the South Florida Region. To contact the convention chair, email conventionchai[email protected]


Members must have a home group in Narcotics Anonymous. The membership shall consist of fifteen members: Chairperson, Vice-Chairperson, Secretary, Treasurer, and Hotel Liaison. Convention Subcommittees shall include Arts and Graphics, Auctions, Convention Information, Entertainment and Fundraising, Hospitality, Marathon, Merchandising, Program, Registration, and Serenity Keeper.

Host Committee

The Host Committee will meet monthly, except one month prior to the convention when it will meet weekly. the purpose of these meetings is to get and share information regarding the carrying out of the convention. The committee meetings are open to anyone, and an effort should be made to encourage support, including participation from all members. The only people having a voice on the floor are the committee members. other NA members only have a voice at the discretion of the chair.

The Convention Subcommittee meets on the first Saturday of each month at 11 AM at the Dunkin Donuts 9170 W State Road 84, Davie, Fl 33324